Our History | Value | Mission

Our story

Established in 2010, Bring On The Sunshine (BOTS) responded to anti-Black racism, aiming to unite and support individuals of African descent in Canada. We focus on empowering the African, Black, and Caribbean communities in the Waterloo region, especially youth and new immigrants. Our mission is to cultivate leaders and nurture communities grounded in mutual respect, going beyond conventional narratives to highlight Black individuals' profound contributions to history, guiding youth toward a robust sense of identity, heritage, and appreciation for African culture and values.

"Umuntu ngubuntu ngabantu…." I am because we are… A person is a person because of people

Spotlighted by Nelson Mandela, this African value statement means  that we cannot exist in our humanity alone. We need each other to be fully human.

Our Values


Developing leaders and creating communities in an ecosystem of mutual respect.

We  thrive on challenging stereotypes surrounding Black identity, promoting  diversity of Africa, and reshaping perceptions of what it means to be  “African.”

Utilizing the  power of arts, projects, and events, we are dedicated to supporting and  instigating positive change, striving to eliminate the adverse effects  of discrimination.

Our  greatest passion lies in making a positive impact on children and youth  of African/Black descent. We achieve this by offering a creative and  uplifting space for them to explore their identity and heritage through  the arts and community engagement.

Join us today, and let’s make a better world, together